We have been playing monthly at Kevin’s on Bannatyne for well over a year. For a while there we were playing twice a month at either a Stella’s location (owned by the same group) or Kevin’s. It was nice run but the gigs at the Stall’s location have been nixed. I could tell them why it was successful but they never ask professional musicians that sort of question.
The Gig is 6:30-10pm. The place can get quite loud so playing at volume that is not intrusive while still actually being able to hear ourselves (and not mess up the tunes) is quite difficult. Despite being a ‘restaurant gig’ we have been toying with getting IEM so we can enjoy the music we have worked so hard to make.
The gear on this night was my Rondo Guitars Agile 7 String Texan as well as my Floor rig, 50 watt amp and Bose P.A. system.
It is a nice place to play, the staff like us, the crowd is perfect for our particular blend of 20’s-80’s music and the load in is straight forward.
It wasn’t so busy on this night, being the Thanksgiving weekend, so the crowd noise was quite manageable. Too good to be true, in come the ‘we haven’t seen each other in a long time let’s catch up’ table. Of course they are seated right by us. They were loud. “Knowing what lake their cottage was on and what investments they had made this year’ loud. To top it off, one them started to sing along. Didn’t remember the words so looked them up on his phone in time to sing out of key at the end.
A group that was enjoying our set (and of course seated at the back) pooled their cash and dropped a nice tip on the music stand. The loud group with the unauthorized karaoke? Not even a courtesy ‘you guys a great’. But sure ask me if I know an obscure song by an obscure artist and laugh when I’ve never heard of them.
In case you are wondering, this is not untypical. Though it would be nice if hosts/hostess had some intuition about the kind of guests tables are going to be or even ask them, “would you like to site near the music?”
The Burton’s Jazz Groups
2025 Corydon Ave. #202
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3N 1P5
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